
Thursday, August 14, 2008


So again it has been forever since my last post and I apologize. I haven't been playing a lot of poker, but have still been getting my share of games in.

In the last post I talked about how I was going to get rich by playing nothing but SnG's. Well, I still play nothing but SnG's but I'm not rich yet. Full Tilt was not very good to me in the $10 SnG's. I dominated the $2 SnG's, winning like 8 out of 9 that I played and having a 5 game win streak. It was crazy. Then I'd move up and nothing. Eventually, I ran out of my money on Full Tilt. However, I played 30 SnG's with an average by in of about $7 approximately and I ended up spending over $200 on SnG's, but I only won like, $180, so back at zero.

Since then I have taken a break from Full Tilt and moved on to Poker Stars. I have put in $116 in my account and right now am at $98. I was down to $0 at one point and had to reload. Poker Stars is a completely different site. The players are aggressive to the point they are silly. I've seen raises with 92o, calls of 4x raises with 86o, all-in with 72o and they still had 8 BB's. I know the standard is 10, but with 8, you can wait for better cards. These people tend to give up easily and will call with Jack high and hit their miracle card.

You can't control them, but you can control the way you play, which is what I have been trying to do. I just finished up a 9 man $11 SnG where I took 1st place for a nice $45 payout.

Onto the live game, Season 2 of the Poker League will be starting September 9th. $12 buy-in with $10 going to the prize pool and $2 going to the end of the year pool. 18 games total to be played. Should be fun. I hope we have at least 6 a week. Played some cash game at my place a couple weeks ago and I cleaned up. I sat down with $40 and had 4 other people. 2 bought in for $20, 1 for $40 and 1 for $18. 1 person walked away with $23 and I walked away with the rest. You do the math.

It's a $75 profit for me.

I guess that's it for now. I'll try and update more often.

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